Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Bulletin Article for TPIBC on September 17th

Peace and Courage

Joanne's article last Sunday (Sep. 10th) mentioned Tse Pau Pau, a sister whose life was dictated by a great sense of fear before she was delivered by Christ Jesus. We, most probably, have gone through a similar struggle and bondage (be it fear or emptiness) before our conversion. Being saved is a wonderful experience. On the other hand, being Christian is a life long experience and blessings. Nevertheless, our Lord has not promised his followers a through road of success and prosperity in the world. What the Lord Jesus has promised (Jn.14:27) is His Peace. He also reminds his followers not to let their hearts be troubled and do not be afraid because Christians are Jesus’ messengers sent into the world (Jn.17:18). For this reason, Jesus had prayed for all those believe in Him before he returned to the Father. His prayer (Jn.17:15-17) is not that the Father will take the believers out of the world but that God the Father will protect them from the evil one because Christians are not of the world and are sanctified by the truth – the Word of God.

As a matter of fact, proclamation of the gospel is not an easy task for behind someone's choice to accept or reject the Salvation of Jesus Christ is spiritual warfare! It is obvious warfare when we try to preach the gospel to the Muslim or anti-Christian countries. It is also warfare even when the gospel is preached in Christian countries! Do you agree? Let's think about the 9-11 attack and tragedy 5 years ago. It is a sign of the conflict between the western Christian nations and the Muslim Middle East. Furthermore, it is the result of mutual distrust and hatred between the two camps. More unfortunately, the road to a real peace and solution to eliminate terrorism through the application of armed forces and retribution appears to be endless! Indeed, such a retributive reaction and treatment of the problem does not conform to the Christian principles of love and hope.

The modern advocacy of the liberalistic freedom and rights has resulted in pluralistic and highly individualistic societies in the west. The fear of God and faith in the Lord Jesus are no longer their norm or foothold. The authority of the Bible is replaced by their ever changing constitutions. The Christian love and hope are being overwhelmed by the quests for worldly achievements and competitions. Today, few people in the west talk about leadership through service and humility. Rather, people are craving after leadership by leading and success. It is against such a backdrop that the gospel is making its way through to save the lost souls. Dear brothers and sisters, let's encourage one another with the Lord's promise of His Peace and do not be discouraged in our Christian pursuit for we are Jesus’ messengers sent into the world having a divine protection from God. Amen.

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