Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Let's Chart Our Lives

I proposed last time (May 21) that your life purpose will be revealed if you can let go your earthly wishes and desires and be ready to accept Jesus’ sovereignty as God and Lord of your life. On the one hand, the Lord Jesus clearly teaches us that (Jn. 6:63) it is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail and His words are spirit and life. On the other hand, Paul further opines that (Rom. 8:6 -7) to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's law, indeed it cannot!

The main reason to let go our earthly wishes and desires is to create enough space and readiness to receive God’s word and will concerning our lives. The Bible is clearly indispensable. Equally important is our attitude and understanding of God’s will for us. People who are in the habit of writing diaries would find them useful and enlightening for making life reflections as well as inductions. In a way, diaries are records and charts of our emotions and experiences. Just as any systematic record (e.g. health, financial, etc…) would help a person to grasp and understand his/her status or needs, our diaries (especially those written honestly and purposefully) would help chart our needs as well as God’s will for us.

In Deut. 26:5–10, God commanded the Israelites to offer their first fruits to Him by reciting the so-called historical shema (i.e. an oral confession) acknowledging how God had led them out of Egypt and suffering with a mighty hand, great terror and with signs and wonders; and how God brought them into Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey. This becomes the central theme in Israel’s worship before God and a vivid reminder of their national purpose. Indeed, our faith in God is linked and entwined with our own history – be it personal or national.

Dear brothers and sisters, I encourage you to work out your own shema by periodically writing down what you have experienced and perceived in your life. If you want to share your written testimony with us, you may consider passing your testimony to our church or me either in person or by email. I have just renovated my blog at http://howards-collection.blogspot.com/ which contains basically my weekly and other articles intended for sharing and encouragement among Christians. Your testimony (if any) will be published there for reaching out to any passers-by there. May God bless and help us. Amen.

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